Can you check what’s in the Plaxlovid pills? It’s still used under the EA use.

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Hi Mike Adams. Did you see on Substack that Dr Mihalcea is looking for a lab to check on unvax blood? Shedding. Posted today 06/01. Best. Thanks for all you do

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THEE MAN for this stuff, is the ONE, THE ONLY.......Randall Carlson!!! Have HIM on your show, Mike!! He has the Randall Carlson channel on YT, AND Randall is on/and associated with HowTube https://www.howtube.com/

I have been following Randall for many years. If one wants a REAL EDUCATION......Randall is THEE MAN!!

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Also, two issues from Australia you should know about:

1. The Australian government is doing gain-of-function research out in the open: https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/australias-gain-of-function-research

2. The jab harms in a 'covid zero' population from 2021 have been finally revealed: https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/the-worlds-eyes-are-on-western-australia

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Hi Mike, I heard you mention the Perth Mint on your show recently. This is in my state (Western Australia) and the media (including you, unfortunately) is missing the most important aspect of this situation. It's not the gold doping that's the issue, but money laundering, not registering international financial transactions for 10 years, hiding clients, funnelling money through Cyprus and Puerto Rico, ties to organised crime, and violating federal sanctions against Russia.

Our Premier went real hard on the mandates and his net worth increased during the pandemic. If I were to funnel vaccine kickbacks I would do it through the mint and keep contracts secret. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-03-06/perth-mint-gold-doping-china-cover-up-four-corners/102048622



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Mike, where are you with more research on dioxin??? Would like to add your post to my newest one:


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Hi Mike, I am an advid reviewer, follower, and listener to yout work at Brighteon, and a part of your telegram audience. I am also a big fan. I use something called CDS aka MMS and wanted to share a study with you and see if you are willing to do some experiments in your lab of your own to see if CDS will help with dioxins. Thanks







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DBD is rapidly degraded by chlorine dioxide in aqueous solution but.... ???

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God Given Rights

Always question "Jurisdiction" !

Paul Wilkerson

Jan 10


Call me crazy but I believe "conspiracy to deprive American Republic CITIZENS of God given Rights" resulting in death is in FACT criminal activity in violation of multiple global laws. Clearly our own government has stolen our money ( DOD ) to develop “countermeasures” intending to murder all the victims that were deceived , coerced, bribed, threatened and literally tortured from birth until death.

Please watch my drone video. 2 minutes, Link 👇.


Land of the Free

Home of the

B iological

R ights

A bove

V accine

E nslavement


My other case filed Nov 1-22 in Wyoming for elderly abuse on my mom and all mom's is being refused by the "clerk" of the 7th district in Wyoming.

Please help ,Paul Wilkerson Writes Paul’s Newsletter

It might help if you yes YOU call/email.

Wyoming office of the attorney general



Asking what they intend to do About Elderly handicapped vaccinated woman abuse ? ?

Another way YOU CAN HELP

PLEASE send an email to the original Judge and ask him why he is ignoring crime's against humanity? Why is he working as a public servant “judge” in Illinois, knowingly working together with the Attorney General of Illinois to protect the interests of the Crown of England”? Please read “Guilty Government “ on my Substack then email the “Honorable Judge Joe Billy McDade @


Or to the Magistrate Judge Jonathan E. Hawley @


Here is proof ILLINOIS protection is for the “Crown of England”


All lives matter and I don't believe it's to much to ask you to help save your own life. One Email to all three email addresses . I am blocked now but you are not blocked.

We are MORE POWER then they Under Stand.



“the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the princes of the earth; for with thy sorcery were all the nations deceived.”

Please 🙏

What the Data shows.


As the until recently unknown to me, grandson of 1 of the men who ran JFK'S winning presidential election campaign, link below 👇


I have a feeling that I have been doing exactly what all people should be doing . File a lawsuit or at least work with others (like me) who are trying to help save the humans race from our own "government" . This is exactly why JFK was killed . He was trying to save you.

This is one of my cases PDF link below, but from the last page 1st, so please scroll down to 175 to start at the beginning.


I discovered that Illinois works for the Crown of England. See below 👇


Land of the Free

Home of the

B iological

R ights

A bove

V accine

E nslavement


My other case filed Nov 1-22 in Wyoming for elderly abuse on my mom and all mom's is being refused by the "clerk" of the 7th district in Wyoming.

Please help Paul Wilkerson Writes Paul’s

It might help if you yes YOU call/email Wyoming office of the attorney general



Asking what they intend to do About Elderly handicapped woman abuse.

In and For Wyoming State 7th Judicial, District Court of Natrona CountyDistrict Court, 7th Judicial District, Natrona CountyClerk Jill Kiester


Trisha A. English& Paul R. Wilkerson plaintiffs/Affiant



Comes now the Plaintiff to file this instant civil rights U.S. 42-1983,1985 and 1986, RICO statutes claim for redress articulating the factual basis for each Defendant's liability.....

Just in case you care to read my nonsense 😉




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It's the sun, Mike.

Everything's electric and Tunguska was a bolt from the earth, striking an incoming space rock. Most large one's prolly wouldn't make it to the surface intact.

It's the sun, it's the sun, it's the sun.

Are we hit by rocks? Certainly. Did they melt the ice and flood the earth? No. Electricity may have, as well as impactor's from our star. It makes the planets. It has made the layers we find on our planet. Our star has gone and will go "nova" over and over and over again. All stars do. A super nova that explodes a star is actually very rare, while smaller "expulsion" nova's happen all the time.

It's the sun.

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Might as well investigate the competing models, right? Or is the science settled?

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That's silly. I despise that sheeple saying.

Science is investigation. Science is always questioning, always searching. When you think you have the answer all figured out, you fall into the clutches of control. Mind control.

I'd like Mike to investigate EVERYTHING...all the possibilities. I have been for many years now, and while I started with Comet Impact Theory, it left entirely too many questions unanswered, too many ad hoc explanations for me. In fact, it began to feel like misdirection, like a classic limited hangout. The powers that ought not be love tossing red herrings out for the sheeple to chase after, to keep them distracted and running in circles. They can't have us learning the truth.

My problem is when Mike starts using words like "spacetime", I can't listen to him. I have to fast forward through the show because it hurts my brain... Ignorance does that. And knowing that comets are an electric phenomenon, that they've never been "dirty snowballs", and that everything is electric...including what we call gravity, I can't tolerate listening to anyone wax on about Einstein's bullshit.

Electricity means magnetism. Two poles. Attractive and Repulsive. The dance of the spheres. Controlled by our star, which is dancing with all other stars. It's all cyclical. And it's all about creation...the creation of matter.

You want a competing model?

Go read Simon Shack's book, for free. And check out the planetarium at tychos.space

Prepare for true investigative science.

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