Governments, Corporations, and Blueblood families control R&D. I worked DoD R&D since 1982 - firsthand experience with suppression of solutions to documented needs ONS (Operational Needs Statements). Low cost solutions for needs of the People are simply not allowed - funding not considered or cut for R&D projects envisioned to provide capabilities with low return on investment for funding sources. Mysteriously engineers and scientists who forged ahead for the betterment of humanity - commit suicide at an alarming rate - others like me decide to retire - have had enough of waste of time and energy. My frequent statement - There is too much Headwind in R&D organizations. Hopefully, there is enough R&D heavyweights to get this low-cost energy-efficient capability to market as an energy solution for free People everywhere. Howard Hughes, Nikola Tesla, Bell Labs, and others were met with condemnation from the ruling class - caution ⚠️ is advised.

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We've had amazing "breakthroughs" available for decades...centuries.

We're just not allowed to "have" them.

You're right. So many have had all funding yanked, labs burned to the ground, ideas and patents stolen and then buried, and outright murdered.

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Elon Musk on the 3 inventions that will change the world. From 2011...

This is an amazing breakthrough and we can all see how long they've been working on it with the announcement the other day that physicists have been working on this since the 1950s.


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The ultimate Question: How can "We The People" stop the "Epstein-ing" of Cold Fusion? Just like the 200mpg carburetor and other wonderful inventions who's inventors have been "Clintonized" for the very reasons we know would not benefit the rich, and could topple current corrupt industries, corporations and who have direct government ties.

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This is mind-blowing, and I so appreciate you writing this article. I find the best thinkers are those who can integrate across subject lines, see familiar patterns, and make connections where others have failed to discover them--and I see these valuable qualities in your writing.

My dad worked in the 60's and 70's as an engineer at defense and nuclear facilities, and I remember him marveling even then, over nuclear energy, and how the issues of its dangers/waste disposal were being mischaracterized. He described to me in 1979, for a school interview project, the differences between (current nuclear energy production's) fission and (the promise of the future's) fusion--and how the latter had not yet been perfected, but was the ultimate desired goal. He would have loved to see this article, Mike, were he still alive. Thank you for an eye-opening, different perspective!

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Look up The Safire Project.

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Recruiters from the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) who support the National Ignition Facility (NIF) visited our campus while I was an undergraduate student in 2015. The students that attended the recruiting session were taking classes funded by a National Science Foundation grant for photonics training.

I recall one recruiter who was the Engineering Directorate Senior Superintendent whose role at LLNL was to oversee, through division superintendents, the effective management and utilization of a large and diverse workforce of individuals who support a wide range of technical programs.

I corresponded with this recruiter concerning the NIF's focus away from achieving fusion energy break even back to stockpile stewardship for the nuclear arsenal. My concern was that the shift was due from the potential threat to the Petro-Dollar if the NIF was successful in reaching the goal of net energy out.

Here we are, seven years later and the NIF has reached a major milestone in fusion energy. The threat to the Petro-Dollar dominance now comes from countries who are willing to trade for energy using their own currencies instead of the Petro-Dollar. I tend to believe that the timing of the government's fusion net energy out announcement is meant to lesson Project Sandman's overall economic impact when it triggers.

Mr. Adams is once again over the target when he assesses that centralized hot-fusion will maintain the electrical control grid verses a decentralized LENR energy solution which is the future for free humankind

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This technology definitely gives one a bit of hope for the future of humanity

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When I started seeing these articles on hot fusion 'breakthrough' I was wondering why all of a sudden now when this technology has been around for many years? Thanks for sharing your insight into this.

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