Mike, you are so far ahead of your time. Love love love this song.

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A question popped into my mind listening to your song, which by the way is great! What would you do if you were president of the U.S.?

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So, is it correct that they can just print more money at will, correct ?

Is the real buying power of the printed money really depend on the quantity of money they print? Example: the more printed money exist, the less the paper money is worth ?

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Spot I n, and the higher your taxes go

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My favorite parts of Covid:


All I see are people that gave up on themselves and forfeited their minds.


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You are Truly talented in so many ways. Fabulous song and video!

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Michael You knocked it out of the park, call me 408 314 5171,


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Face it Wall Street is the biggest casino in the world, they gambled big time the banks should have taken their losses, they didn’t deserve to be bailed out by anyone

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