#1......according to Our CONSTITUTION......it is UNLAWFUL to have STANDING ARMIES!

#2.......AmeriKas 'govt' is the UNITED STATES CORPORATION......which is NOT AMERICAS government! (USURPED in 1913 & via the JFK Assassination)

#3......if the USSA's govt is NOT Americas govt.......NEITHER IS IT'S MILITARY!

The USSA's military is OWNED & OPERATED by the Globalists; WE just PAY FOR IT ALL!

The USSA's military is a FOREIGN military......ON AMERICAN SOIL; which makes THEM THE


'JUST FOLLOWING ORDERS'......and they WILL SHOOT YOU DEAD, without blinking!


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It was usurped in 1870-71 with the Vatican Crown Corporation Act. We are being invaded at our borders that requires the presence of our army. Finally, our tax dollars do not pay the debt. Our tax dollars are insufficient to pay it. Most all the government’s funds are borrowed, including the debt service. We’re paying for all the wasted and useless flesh in the plethora of unnecessary government jobs.

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And the deceased flesh & the weapons that made them that way in WARS. All wars created by the bankers. And we KNOW who they are the rockefellers rothschilds, morgans..... Trump has given GIVEN israel a supply of 2000lb BOMBS to kill more innocent people labelled as the enemy of israel & is thus making more enemies of the USA. What a cluster f*ck this all is & the people & animals & nature of this world are those who pay the price with their lives in the end. Go figure. So sad.....it doesn't have to be this way,...but because the masses remain silent, inert in their drug induced chemically lobotomized slumber. Awake oh sleeper ! Not so sure it will happen. It appears too many are too far gone at this point & have as the global elite call them become useless eaters. God help us please.

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