This is who RFK Jr. has been all along. He's never been anti-vaccine. Meanwhile, the live MMR vaccine is among the most dangerous vaccines outside of mRNA ones.
Even if he disavows this statement about the MMR/measles vax, absolutely nothing will change with the direction he's rushing us in -- headlong into mandatory deadly mRNA vaccines for all, even if it seems to be the 'other party' (of the uniparty) that ends up mandating them.
From what I've seen over the past 5-6 years, RFK Jr. is likely a very-well-paid Trojan horse for Big Pharma.
Dr. Shiva's been calling out RFK Jr. for the deceptive snake he is all the way back to 2019!
I can see his need to posture somewhat in regard to all the fear porn hype by MSM and the deep state ensconced in the health arena. However a statement which directly supports and even pushes vaccines as the solution is way out of bounds. Very unexpected, just like Bondi’s fail. And yes, short window up to clarfy.
Everything we have gone through the past nine years seem extremely choreographed.
I’m seeing technocracy in our future.
MAGA not allowed to talk about this possibility. No, The great benevolent billionaire is helping Trump out of his patriotic duty. He wants nothing for his time. Also, he can afford children so he should artificially inseminate as many women as possible and we should celebrate that too.
Under divine inspiration, King David said to God: “Your eyes even saw me as an embryo.” (Psalm 139:16) God considered David to be a person even before he was born.
Additionally, God knew that he would have a special purpose for the prophet Jeremiah before Jeremiah’s birth. God said to him: “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I sanctified you. I made you a prophet to the nations.”—Jeremiah 1:5.
The Bible writer Luke, a physician, used the same Greek word to describe an unborn baby as he did to describe a newborn baby.—Luke 1:41; 2:12, 16.
My 3 part covid truth series podcast reminds people of what happened, so we do not forget and never fall for it again. They are trying to do it again with different fake flus right now, if they think people will go for it they will pull the trigger again with the laws already on the books. Hundreds of millions of chickens are getting killed right now, destroying the food supply because, government agents are using the fake PCR tests on the chickens giving false positive results, and the farmers do not resist the corrupt federal government for fear of what the government will do to them.
Yes Mike Dr Ruby and Stew Peters have been right all along and the entire MAHA movement is a FARCE.Its incredible that people are so gullible and actually believe that the government is now going to make them healthier .They will throw us cookie crumbs and keep us all believing in them menwhile the Bio we a pon injections, Mrna technology,AI and D.E.W ( directed energy weapons) and climate engineerind ,chem trails are all killing off the population and driving us towards their end goal.People need to WAKE UP and learn whos really incharge of this world.Stew Peters will tell you .
'Disavow'? hahahaha!
This is who RFK Jr. has been all along. He's never been anti-vaccine. Meanwhile, the live MMR vaccine is among the most dangerous vaccines outside of mRNA ones.
Even if he disavows this statement about the MMR/measles vax, absolutely nothing will change with the direction he's rushing us in -- headlong into mandatory deadly mRNA vaccines for all, even if it seems to be the 'other party' (of the uniparty) that ends up mandating them.
From what I've seen over the past 5-6 years, RFK Jr. is likely a very-well-paid Trojan horse for Big Pharma.
Dr. Shiva's been calling out RFK Jr. for the deceptive snake he is all the way back to 2019!
I can see his need to posture somewhat in regard to all the fear porn hype by MSM and the deep state ensconced in the health arena. However a statement which directly supports and even pushes vaccines as the solution is way out of bounds. Very unexpected, just like Bondi’s fail. And yes, short window up to clarfy.
Celia Farber says the publisher wrote the header and the subheader.
Health Ranger Mike Adams health ranger
These bastards don’t get the benefit of the doubt.
What does it take to wake people up?
Where have people been the last five years????
Snap out of it!
How can RFK Jr. do such a turn? Fine if he supports people taking shots, but mandating? Wow.
He can do “such a turn” because RFK Jr. is bought and paid for…
Everything we have gone through the past nine years seem extremely choreographed.
I’m seeing technocracy in our future.
MAGA not allowed to talk about this possibility. No, The great benevolent billionaire is helping Trump out of his patriotic duty. He wants nothing for his time. Also, he can afford children so he should artificially inseminate as many women as possible and we should celebrate that too.
Because it is choreographed Te!😉
Get wise to A.I. 2025 update.
Under divine inspiration, King David said to God: “Your eyes even saw me as an embryo.” (Psalm 139:16) God considered David to be a person even before he was born.
Additionally, God knew that he would have a special purpose for the prophet Jeremiah before Jeremiah’s birth. God said to him: “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I sanctified you. I made you a prophet to the nations.”—Jeremiah 1:5.
The Bible writer Luke, a physician, used the same Greek word to describe an unborn baby as he did to describe a newborn baby.—Luke 1:41; 2:12, 16.
Unbelievable that he, of all people, would do such a thing.
My 3 part covid truth series podcast reminds people of what happened, so we do not forget and never fall for it again. They are trying to do it again with different fake flus right now, if they think people will go for it they will pull the trigger again with the laws already on the books. Hundreds of millions of chickens are getting killed right now, destroying the food supply because, government agents are using the fake PCR tests on the chickens giving false positive results, and the farmers do not resist the corrupt federal government for fear of what the government will do to them.
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Yes Mike Dr Ruby and Stew Peters have been right all along and the entire MAHA movement is a FARCE.Its incredible that people are so gullible and actually believe that the government is now going to make them healthier .They will throw us cookie crumbs and keep us all believing in them menwhile the Bio we a pon injections, Mrna technology,AI and D.E.W ( directed energy weapons) and climate engineerind ,chem trails are all killing off the population and driving us towards their end goal.People need to WAKE UP and learn whos really incharge of this world.Stew Peters will tell you .
All of these crazy jackasses in power in Canada are totally insane.i pray none of then has a nuclear football.
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There is no such thing as a vaccine either.