Make incandescent lights great again.

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What’s wrong with giving us a choice in electric bulbs? The technology to make bulbs that last forever has been known from Edison’s time. But planned obsolescence took over.

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Read Katherine Watt's substack to learn that FDA is just a facade; read Sasha Latypova's to learn that there's No safe vaccine.

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Sasha Latypova denies nanotechnology in jabs. When you present her with many clear pattents proving nanotech is in the jabs, she dismisses everything and calls patents work of fiction.

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Yes, she is closed-minded about certain topics or perspectives and refuses to accept factual information which is not in accord with her beliefs. Good Point. I Don't think this nullifies her opinions in her areas of expertise. Patents as fiction? That could be a BIG problem. That's separating from reality.

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If they don't stop the spraying of the skies, which poisons us, our air, food and water nothing else will matter. And no vaccines are needed because they create all of the un-natural viruses.

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We also MUST have the debate on GERM THEORY vs TERRAIN THEORY‼️

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the entire unnatural world based on patents of NATURE involves BIOTECHNOLOGY, which is the seed of all GENETICALLY modified plants, crops, injection materials, biwoeapons, slowly CRISPED animals are being introduced, CRISPED veggies. Recent insanity like this one:


will change genes in tomatoes to make them more sweet!!! THIS NEEDS TO STOP NOW! That is part of covid genetically modifying injections which carry even some of the genetic information from the newest MOnsanto patents! Ask yourself WHY? GMO's belong in the lab, where they come from, and only those who make these weapons (because every development is related to CHEMICAL/biochemical INDUSTRY)

shall eat it or only those who knowingly consent to the rearranged nature.

Many of the richest consider Genetics = eugenics is our future, without telling the details. What do they want, merging with giants..?

Limiting BIOTECHNOLOGY, including bioweapons industry, should be No one.

STOP ALL GEOENGINEERING projects now. That is No2 because it is CLOSELY related, actually IT IS the 'climate change' issue.

Not sure how to solve science corruption, medical corruption..., but that would be 3 on 'my list'

Also, regarding that point 3) Split the FDA into two divisions, FOOD and DRUGS

Actually what is in the food to regulate, unless it is PATENTED SYNTHETICS, filled with toxic chemicals which do NOT BELONG in food anyway! Such a 'food' should be banned, if anyone wants to be healthy again..

Everything else here, looks good.

Thank you Mike.

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Please tell as many people as possible:

The annual flu vaccine is being transformed into an mRNA jab…


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So Tell Me:

“What Medications Are You On” ?

Ask Your Doctor …


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Excellent work here, Mike!!!!

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💯👍🏼 Thanks for everything you do, Mike.

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Brilliant... You just restated ALL the things Bobby has already publicly stated he plans to do...

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Interesting point that supplements are not drugs but they cannot be paid with EBT nutrition/foodbenefits either. The only regulation they need is under consumer protection 💥

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“Must consider…” 🤔

Um… make him.

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These guys both stand behind vaccines, and for that reason, alone, I am not a fan. I will NOT forget Trump pushing Operation Warp Speed. All politicians lie and warp the truth for their gain and our loss. I can't think of a time government ever helped me in my 73 years on earth.

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RFK JR goes to work to save US from H

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The fda is a joke,

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Amen and amen!! Tall orders, but each and every one should be tackled, and fast!!

And, they're not done until they're done!!

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