Thank you Mike. I trust you with all of my heart and mind. I have some friends on these. I am warning them!

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Why I love cold showers each morning, resets the vagus nerve.

How do I know?

I give a healthy burp each time I get out of the shower.

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A dear friend of mine, 68, who's a diabetic, was prescribed Ozempic about 2-3 years ago. She got really sick about six months into being on it. She started having terrible digestive issues including diarrhea & severe vomiting. A few days after going through that she was barely able to get out of bed. She finally got to the ER where they promptly admitted her to the ICU where she became deathly ill, her blood sugar off the charts, out of control. She really thought she was going to die. I think her hospital stay was about four weeks or longer. The doctors determined she had developed some loss of kidney functions. At some point they told her not to take the Ozempic anymore as they believed it to be the culprit. She got well enough to go home but it took her months to feel better. She'd also lost a lot of weight. Post hospital stay she started having nasty UTI infections that turned into painful kidney infections. Thus far, about three times now. They've been very difficult to heal. These days she's still not up to par. Shortly after she got out of the hospital she had to retire from her hospital job as a psychiatric RN. She just wasn't healthy enough to work anymore. I hope her story serves as a wake-up call to anyone who may be considering taking these drugs. They're pure poison for the human body and should be banned. Instead, the media continues to market them to vulnerable people, making them appear to be a miracle solution. In reality they are anything but that.

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I’ve noticed most of big pHARMa ads these days are really pushing injectables

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You know WHY follow me. RR

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WOW, another attempt on our lives.

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How about blood pressure medication? It’s made from snake venom. I was prescribed it years ago and now have chronic pancreatitis.

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NICOTINE!! Mike, can you do a side to side on synthetic Nicotine vs NATURAL nicotine structure-found in most patches and vapes surley Mother Nature knew best!!

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Is this all true even though the venom isn't exactly from the gila monster but synthesized from it? I can't convince my sister that it isn't healthy, because the "venom peptide" is actually made in a lab by "scientists" & MDs" 🙄

Thank you!!! 😢 🙏🙏🙏

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Makes no difference if its a Gila Monster or Godzilla. Investigate can parasites take control of there host to make them do things that only the parasite needs? RR

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Jun 9·edited Jun 9

Thank you so much for this information! Can you please advise me on how to repair the damage I've caused to my vagus nerve?! I've been taking Wegovy for 12 months but have only lost 13 lbs, but after reading your article I'm not taking it any more!!

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B vitamins, especially B-1, B-6 and B-12 and choline. I would suggest to supplement for a while all B vitamins (B-1, 2, 3 as niacin, 5, 6, 7, 9, and 12; not a complex which is too weak for repair work but okay for maintenance. And don’t forget choline. Replenish your minerals too,i.e., zinc, selenium, magnesium, calcium, etc. Carbohydrates deplete B vitamins because they get used up in the digestion of carbs. FYI, carbs are not essential macronutrients; only fat and protein are essential. You have to get yourself metabolically healthy to lose weight and an MD is not the person to guide you through this. You might wish to see a functional medicine doctor.

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Thank you!

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Thank you for your helpful kindness and understanding compassion. I will share this with my friend.

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Horrific!!! 😵‍💫

I always thought these people jumping on the bandwagon of Ozempic, are playing with Fire !!

This is devastating information!!!

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So what about people who got theirs from a compounding company rather than a pharmaceutical company? I just shared this with my friend. She is in a bit of shock... She asked me to share this https://totalbodywellnessgroup.com/weight-loss/semaglutide-weight-loss/ wondering if it was only by prescription that this was occurring.... basically wondering if Is this compound is possibly different? Thank you for any information. She is a very good friend and I am seriously worried about her.

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And that program DOES use the poisonous drug. They just happen to have the person take a few vitamins with it. Semaglutide is semaglutatide... and it clearly states that that's what these people are taking. Could not be any more clear what it is and what it does.

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You should be worried about your friend. (First of all, if you [or she] has a tell-lie-vision, the ads for these drugs clearly state the significant risks, including cancer; which is almost a given, esp after using this stuff for any length of time.) As for the compounding pharmacy... they compound from the same raw materials that are used in the drugs themselves. There's no "separate" or magic "other source" for the active ingredient, unless something is being compounded from other ingredients, in which case the drug could not be called or labeled the same thing. It would have a different name. The other thing you can look into are the class-action lawsuits with these deadly products. So many are so sick from taking these insane drugs, they've lost all quality of life (those who've survived). In many cases, persistent vomiting continues indefinitely; not to mention how much they horrifically "age" the person. Imagine if you look that bad on the outside with rapid aging what your organs inside look like from taking these poisons It's getting hard to imagine, especially after the whole c0vid bi0weapon injection psyop, that consumers would continue to "trust" (and not do their due diligence) about the products they're taking and the ingredients used in the poisons they eagerly sign up for. Unreal.

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Jun 9·edited Jun 9

Liberty Liz, you really upset me! No, I didn't take the jab bc I did my research, but yes I did take Wegovy because I'm obese and need help decreasing my appetite to lose weight so I don't die of the many other obesity-caused problems. I appreciate Mike's information bc I thought he was trying to help people, but shaming those who are trying to make a positive difference in their lives by trying to choose the lesser of two evils isn't a great way to help people! You don't have a clue what I've been through!

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Quit eating all carbohydrates. As long as you eat carbs, especially grains, pasta, potatoes and rice, you will be spiking insulin which is a fat storage hormone. (Research ”Hyperinsulinemia”.) To lose weight, you have to stick to healthy animal fats and proteins. Also learned something about vegetable/seed oils last week that was quite disturbing. They store in the body as a different type of fat that the body does not want to use as fuel and it’s very difficult to lose fat deposits from vegetable/seed oils. Nonetheless, I lost 125 in slightly over a year by eliminating carbs completely. I feel your pain. Best wishes.

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Not sure how you got the idea that it's considered "shaming" to present facts about a product. Please point out where this "shaming" was done. Perhaps you should be a little more honest about the conversation. What it seems you don't like and find upsetting are the facts about the toxic product and the fact that others may not agree with the choice you made to address your situation because they don't want to see you harmed. That's not "shaming". And your reaction of having been very upset wasn't due to what the response was to the question, it was due to what these drugs do, which is clearly stated not just here, but in the TV ads as well, which, apparently, you weren't concerned with when you made the decision to pursue this avenue as your therapy. Perhaps you may wish to take this information as a blessing, to have had this information made available to you before you were irreversibly injured and it could provide you with a different direction. Maybe people who speak truth do so because people care enough about others to warn them of imminent danger. Furthermore, how could this have been considered "shaming" (or a personal attack) if you stated that "your friend" was using this product and you were concerned for her? If you don't want a truthful answer, don't ask the question.

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Thank you

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