Let’s red pill them so they’ll seek Christ Jesus and be saved! His return is soon! That’s why the world is falling apart!

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Hi Mike, I really enjoy your podcast Health Ranger Report, thank you. The e-book is also very good. Just wanted to let you know that Australia has multiple gain-of-function dual-use (I would suggest bioweapons) projects occurring in level 4 facilities here. People always think of the US, China and Russia doing this but Australia is really ahead of the curve on it. https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/australias-gain-of-function-research

We are also set to inject our livestock with mRNA vaccines this year which makes zero sense given our strict biosecurity protocols which have served us well in the past. https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/australian-state-government-set-to

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.. and just like that..

🎤 Mike Drops 🎤

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Sound analysis. Concise and to the point. Thank you!

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