I am grateful for Trumps work on high tech and free speech... BUT, what of suspension of the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012? The CIA (or any other part of the government) should not be allowed to lie to the American people. (Ref:https://www.congress.gov/bill/112th-congress/house-bill/5736)

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Hey Mr Mike, I found you on yt around 2018-2019 I was battling CDC bc my then 7 yo son had a possible dx of Hodgkins Lymphoma he displayed all s/s it was amalgan illness dentist began drilling silver fillings he spazzed immediately he was different. He's healed thanks to GOD & cilantro . THANK YOU BC U ASSISTED AS WELL. Thank you for the information you relate to US, like the new music as well.

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I love your work, Mike Adams. You give straightforward facts about what is going on. I especially enjoyed your work with Ty, Charlene Bolinger, and Jonathan Otto. Thank you for being the Health Ranger I look forward to more from you. I am very happy that Trump signed to protect our free speech.

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I love that you give the context of what’s in your digital platform. It really makes it easier for me to navigate if I’m gonna listen or not. I always appreciate you so much thank you.

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