Hmmm...I just watched a lengthy report from China, I terrifying business owners, food stops, restaurants, malls closed, even at new years when celebrations should've been high! Hardly anyone in the streets..next to none seated at tables...ghost town ..believe it was Bejing...BIG city nonetheless. So where is the real truth about Chinas economy????

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Wrong…china is in big trouble economically. Xi is failing everywhere …and TRUMP is going to smash them..

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Interesting assessment

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Pray, pray, pray and pray !

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I am not sure where you two are going in this conversation but I would steer clear from China until we get our house in order. First we must kick out the London crowd, the central bank (Fed) and smash the global banking cartel. Then we can start cleaning house, our institutions…. Our economy!!! We dont need anyone, especially not lithium batteries.

Regarding China, we are not dealing with the fine chinese people, we are dealing with a brutal dictatorship. Be very careful with China. Juste because of all the psyops’s does not make them our friend. We are very vulnerable. I love the fact that they are 7,000 miles away !!

For now we must put all our energy in getting back our sovereignty, deprograming and educating everyone.

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You had me interested until “climate change and economic inequality”..

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