Why the need for AI, when we haven't learned how to master our natural intelligence?

That said - I'm interested in learning more about your version Mike.

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So-called 'AI' is ANTI-HUMAN.

And will take us FURTHER in the WRONG direction.

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hey Mike, i'm pretty sure project Stargate is going to be the infrastructure to run the 24/7 track and trace smart city concentration camp surveillance state control grid.... plus mRNA gene therapy so citizens fit the acceptable eugenics profile.

listening to Trump's project stargate press conference i realised that Trump plays 'good cop'. he deregulates the industry, opens the floodgates for rapid and unprecedented product/infrastructure development (example: operation warp speed vaccines) (now project stargate). so he sets up the situation. then 'bad cop' comes along and shoves it down our throats (example, Biden mandating the c-19 vaccines) (in 4-8 years stargate's fruits will be shoved down our throats with surveillance infrastructure, probably inside and outside our bodies).

he said the developers can build power plants to power these data centres. what will they be processing if not the surveillance 'smart' grid with external and internal biometrics on each citizen...? they said it in the press conference. AI will be processing your blood. determining your treatment plan. concocting the mRNA for you. public health to impose tyranny is part of an old playbook. if we believe it stops there we haven't been paying attention...

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Biden - Trump : Good Cop, Bad Cop! They are both muppets. They have the same handlers working for the cabal.

It is a show display on our face to give us the illusion that we have a choice.

Trump never apologized for pushing the Covid19 mRNA vaccines. Even worst, he still brags about Warp Speed. Open your eyes.

We have to stay vigilant. Trump will throw in few candies to give us the illusion that he is on our side but is he? Those at the service of the cabal behind (A section of the CIA) are very bright, intelligent people but evil. The PsyOP operation is still there.

Who wrote all those Executive Orders? How come the were all ready on day one?

Trump is now attacking Canada with a lot of lies and the cult members believe what he is saying. He is mixing Trade Deficit with Subvention. In fact, the real goal behing that is he want the water and the minerals, like for Greenlang. He did the same in Syria with the petrol. Hey, this is nice, let's take it. Expension.

Are we with another Hitler in the 30s? Annexion of Austria, Czechoslovakia, Lithuania, Poland, The Netherland, Belgium, Northern France etc.

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Trump is back with mRNA vaccines. Say NO. I do not consent to this satanic agenda!

Oracle CEO Larry Ellison says AI will be able to detect cancer; develop mRNA vaccine therapies 1:34 min


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Trump gave few billions $ to the BigPharma to develop this killer shots. He still even bragged saying that if there are 200 millions vaccinated americans, it is because of him.

He knows that vaccines are bad. Kids are not horses do you remember? Robert F. Kennedy Jr met him at the beginning of his mandate as President but he let him down.

His Tramemark - motto is ¨You're fired! Why didn't he fire Dr. Mengel - Fauci?

Yes he is bright. He his a showman. He says what people want to hear. He has a big mouth. He looks tough but is he really? NO! He plays on both side and for his ego.


Anthony Robert Holland


Trump kicked those FDA asses to get this WarpSpeed deadly Bioweapon into yours and your families veins.

17 million dead so far from his deadly Bioweapon, is it time you finally came around to your senses ? 2:16 min



Sayin' a Lie 5:25 Trump at mark 3:43 min ¨Take the vaccine, I did it. It's good...¨



Catherine Austin Fitts – Trump put $10 Billion Dollars into a Program to Depopulate the US https://rumble.com/v43aore-catherine-austin-fitts-trump-put-10-billion-dollars-into-a-program-to-depop.html

"Donald Trump Promoting Big Pharma & COVID Vaccines" - Donald Trump Promoting Big Pharma & COVID Vaccines


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TRUMP "I recommend taking the vaccines. I did it, it’s good. Take the vaccines.” — Donald J Trump, August 21st, 2021

"I hope everyone remembers when they're getting the COVID-19 Vaccine, that if I wasn’t President, you wouldn’t be getting that beautiful 'shot' for 5 years, at best, and probably wouldn't be getting it at all. I hope everyone remembers!" — Donald J Trump, February 28th 2021

"I would recommend it and I would recommend it to a lot of people that don't want to get it and a lot of those people voted for me, frankly." — Donald J Trump, March 16th 2021

"We have our freedoms and we have to live by that, and I agree with that also. But it is a great vaccine. It is a safe vaccine, and it is something that works." — Donald J Trump, March 17th 2021

"Get those shots everyone!" — Donald J Trump, December 17th 2020

“I guess in a certain way, I’m the father of the vaccine because I was the one that pushed it. To get it done in less than nine months was a miracle.” - Donald J Trump, April 29th 2021

"Everybody, go get your shot." — Donald J Trump, February 28th 2021

"It works incredibly well. 95%, maybe even more than that...and it is really saving our country and it is saving frankly the world." — Donald J Trump, March 9th 2021

"It will save millions of lives, and soon end the pandemic once and for all. These vaccines are also very safe." — Donald J Trump, December 11th 2020

"The Vaccine and the Vaccine rollout are getting the best of reviews. Moving along really well. Get those shots everyone!" — Donald J Trump, December 17th 2020

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Thanks for the reminders - He's PT Barnum sponsored by Chabad Lubavitz.

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Mike Adams, you have to stop spreading fear. That China will invade us and control us just because they have better technologies.

You are talking about changing course. Yes, the problem is here. Our ennemy is inside. The cabal and those american borned citizen working for the cabal. The bad guys at one CIA Department. They are very bright but evil. They are our ennemies. Something has to be done there.

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Riiiiiight, Mike!

Lets everyone DOWNLOAD something from CHINA!!!!!

Wonder what kind of 'WEAPONS' that the Chi-Coms have coded into their 'AI'?!

NO THANKS!.......I'll PASS!

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Danish official explains why he told Trump to 'f*** off' 5:14 min


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Great podcast Mike!

Regarding to the atomic bomb don’t you think that was a psyops? I recommend reading "The Nuclear Weapons Hoax" by Nakatani, Akio and come to your own conclusion. In my opinion nuclear weapons as what we are taught is really a psyops/fearmongering. Sure they can put nuclear material in a missile, but splitting an atom to create this huge nuclear explosion is BS. The author explains how engineers couldn't get the "nuclear" bomb to successfully pass on their testing sites. The cities that were bombed had shown nearby buildings all intact as well as the windows, as well as other things all intact. Many people did survive that they don’t talk about. Also there was a pilot that flew above area that was bombed when they didn’t get the message not to fly in that area and based on their interview will surprise you.

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Russia put Sputnik 1into space in 1957. I know this because it was the year I was born and my Dad nicknamed me his little Sputnik.

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Trump's $500 billion AI initiative, Project Stargate?

Well let’s see if Trump’s unipolar nationalism can jumpstart a denuded industrial sector economy –decimated fiat currency – a patch & pray infrastructure floundering on the edge of a failed-state financialized capital end-stage precipice. Whoops, more likely, the launching of Neofeudalism’s modus operandi taxpayer fiefdom funding: Lord Musk

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I guess it’s fair to say China A.I. wrote your article..Also IMO this whole out of nowhere company is just tic tock on steroids..seems the a CCP psyop…also zero talk of scaling this app up…much to do about nothing.

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Well, we can FIX that 'Surrendering to China' nonsense.......

we need to GO BACK TO ANALOG!!!!!



As I keep saying......we are going IN THE WRONG DIRECTION!

The ONLY place it will lead us is......SELF-DESTRUTION!



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