Those who understand eschatology, studying the whole council of God know we are in the last days. We are indeed being propelled into a time that the Scripture says more about than any other time in history. Including the first coming of Christ.

The first coming of Christ was prophesied by over 350 verses in the OT that pinpointed the very day Christ would allow Himself to be presented as Israel’s King on what we know as Palm Sunday. Even thought it was clearly declared in Scripture, most missed it because of not studying God’s Word literally.

The same thing is happening today. Most church’s are dead. Laodicean. They allegorize God’s Word instead of letting it speak for itself. The second coming of Christ is prophesied by over 750 verses.

Yes we are headed for a one world government. Yes we are headed for the mark of the beast. A one world currency is coming. A rule ruler is soon to arise who will eventually demand worship. You won’t buy nor sell without his approval.

The tribulation period of 7 literal years is close to beginning. That is the period of time in which the entire world will be judged and come under God’s judgement. It is the time God calls the “time of Jacobs trouble” It will be the time when God deals with HIS people the Jews. They will awake towards the end of the 7 years and cry out for Christ to come save them. He will.

But before that time. Several wars are yet to take place. Ezekiel 38-39 when Russia, Turkey, Iran and surrounding muslim nations attack Israel. God will defend Israel according to the prophecy, and destroy the invading armies.

It is after that a time of greet deception will strike the entire earth to all that remain. Most will suffer and die during the last 3.5 years.

Those who love God and follow Jesus Christ will be removed from earth prior to the tribulation.

How about you? Do you know God’s Word? Do you have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ? If not, don’t delay.

Luke 21:34-36

And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares.

35 For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth.

36 Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man

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Excellent. Ty. God bless

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Ra, in The Law One, says the earths population will be greatly reduced by mass starvation. With the continuing of chemical warfare with chemtrails and vaccines, we are truly headed in that direction.

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It's time a lot of Christians woke up from the great dispensationalist delusion. This doctrine has had many Christians "waiting for the end" for their entire lifetimes only to realize that their "rapture" was their meeting of Christ after death.

Dispensationalism is also Zionism. There would unlikely have been a state based on Jewish supremacism were it not for the Christians being sold the idea that Zionist Israel was God ordained, as claimed in Scofield's Reference Bible.

New Testament prophecy was fulfilled in the the few decades after Christ addressed his disciples in the Olivet discourse. All those things he prophesied took place within that generation he was addressing. And how many Christians are aware of what Josephus and Tacitus saw and recorded? The appearance of "armies in clouds" over the cities of Israel. That was the Second Coming - later confirmed by other historians.

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Nice infomercial!

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