This sums up the depopulation/currency reset plan that is the CORE of why/who implemented the COVID scam.
"The same people who...control the global money supply are the same people who are running this operation...It's a bureaucratic mass murder."
Retired pharma R&D executive Sasha Latypova describes for Leslie Manookian of the Health Freedom Defense Fund why the COVID scamdemic/world-scale genocide is taking place, boiling the purpose down to a grand financial plan that allows for currency resets while simultaneously bailing out flailing governments that are broke AF.
While many "awake" people have come to this conclusion, Latypova puts together the why/who picture particularly succinctly: "The same people who ultimately control the global money supply are the same people who are running this operation," she says. The retired pharma executive adds, "this all comes down to the fact that we need to reset from the dollar as the global currency to a CBDC [i.e., a] digital global token; that process involves reducing the money supply. So...just like in a storm, you need to take down your sails, with this reset,] you need to take down how many heads [humans] you have."
Latypova goes on to say:
"It's a bureaucratic mass murder. They don't care who dies. Mostly, they care about the Western world. So that's why they were...focused on pushing the vaccine...especially onto the Western populations; because those are the biggest bang for the buck. The Africans—they don't care; each head there is, like, $4,000. Each head in the western world is a million or more. So they're going where there's the biggest bang; again, they're bureaucrats. Think of the Nazis who were interviewed and said, 'Well, we were just crunching the numbers, and we needed certain accounting to work."
En una entrevista reciente, Mike Adams y Michael Yon analizan los dramáticos cambios en la política exterior de Estados Unidos bajo la administración Trump. La discusión se centra en el impacto de las sanciones a Rusia, la retirada de los activos rusos y las implicaciones más amplias para los aliados globales, en particular la propia China.
Pivote estratégico en Rusia
Mike Adams y Michael Yon analizan cómo la administración Trump planea levantar las sanciones a Rusia y descongelar 300 mil millones de dólares en activos rusos congelados. Sugieren que la medida no es solo una medida política sino parte de una estrategia más amplia para retirarse del teatro occidental y centrarse en aislar a China económica y militarmente.
Yon, basándose en su amplia experiencia internacional, ve el cambio como parte de un reconocimiento de que Europa occidental ha estado luchando con tensiones internas y no es un aliado confiable en el largo plazo. Señaló que la renuencia de Europa a invertir en su propia defensa la ha llevado a depender de la ayuda militar estadounidense, un escenario cada vez más insostenible.
El aislamiento de China.
El debate destaca la amenaza que plantea China y la necesidad de estrategias para aislarla. Yon dijo que el creciente poder económico y militar de China, especialmente a través de extensas redes comerciales y avances tecnológicos, la convierte en una amenaza mayor para Rusia. El debate subraya la necesidad de que Estados Unidos reforme sus alianzas y políticas para contrarrestar a China.
Adams y Yon dijeron que Estados Unidos aumentaría el comercio con Rusia según el plan. Argumentan que esto podría incluir la reintegración de empresas estadounidenses al mercado ruso y el restablecimiento de vínculos militares y de inteligencia. El objetivo, explican, es crear una división entre Rusia y China, desacreditando así a China en el mundo.
Impacto en las alianzas globales.
La encuesta también explora las implicaciones de estos cambios políticos para la cooperación internacional. Yon señaló que los países de Europa occidental, en particular el Reino Unido, están en graves dificultades. Estos países, sostiene, dependen demasiado de la asistencia militar y de inteligencia de Estados Unidos y no están preparados para defenderse de Rusia o de cualquier amenaza externa.
Adams señaló los recientes recortes en la financiación y la asistencia de inteligencia de Estados Unidos a Ucrania, que han dejado al país “casi ciego” ante su actual guerra con Rusia. Cree que esto es una clara señal de que Estados Unidos se está alejando de Europa en la región de Asia y el Pacífico, donde China es la mayor amenaza.
El papel del Reino Unido y la OTAN
La discusión se centró en la posibilidad de un colapso de la OTAN, un tema que ha sido discutido por analistas militares y políticos. Yon recuerda una entrevista con un coronel retirado, que dijo que la OTAN estaba entrando en sus últimos días. El Reino Unido y otros países de Europa occidental enfrentan desafíos económicos y militares significativos, lo que podría dificultarles mantener su relación con ellos, dijo.
Adams y Yon también discutieron el papel del Reino Unido en este nuevo panorama geopolítico. Argumentan que las capacidades militares del Reino Unido son limitadas y es posible que no pueda defenderse, y mucho menos asumir un papel de liderazgo en la región. Yon, que tiene una amplia experiencia de combate en Afganistán e Irak, ofrece información sobre los errores del ejército del Reino Unido y los de otros países europeos.
Conclusión: el cambio del orden mundial
La conversación termina con un interesante debate sobre el futuro. Adams y Yon coinciden en que el orden mundial está cambiando rápidamente y que es probable que Estados Unidos adopte medidas drásticas para reestructurar sus aliados y sus políticas. El giro hacia Rusia y el aislamiento de China son elementos clave de la nueva estrategia, pero advierten que las reformas tendrán consecuencias significativas y de largo alcance, en particular en los países de Europa occidental que luchan contra tensiones internas e internacionales.
Mientras el mundo observa, las decisiones de política exterior de la administración Trump sin duda darán forma a las alianzas y conflictos globales en los próximos años, con profundas implicaciones para la estabilidad y la seguridad mundiales.
They also are dismantling the Education Department in favor of the "AI" plan that another demond like Bill Gates stated that the "AI" will be a better proffesor and that
Once upon a time, Donald Trump endeared himself to millions of working-class voters by telling them he, unlike the rest of the Republican Party, would do “everything within my power not to touch Social Security, to leave it the way it is.” While the GOP platform explicitly rejected the idea the program was untouchable and promised only to keep it unchanged for “current retirees and those close to retirement,” Trump told voters he “want[ed] to keep Social Security intact” while “they want to cut it very substantially, the Republicans.”
Fast-forward nine years, and Trump has become just another Republican president launching an assault on Social Security. Not even two months into his presidency, Trump is not only constantly verbally attacking the program in a way meant to justify debilitating cuts but is already actively making those cuts.
After weeks of charging that Social Security payments were going to tens of millions of dead people, Trump made the claim a major part of his address to Congress this past week, where he said there were “shocking levels of incompetence and probable fraud in the Social Security program.” This was no offhand mention: the claim took up more than two-and-a-half minutes in the speech, or four full four paragraphs, with Trump listing in tedious detail the millions of Americans in various age groups over one-hundred years old still in the Social Security databases.
This claim is such nonsense that it’s been repeatedly and widely debunked, including by Fox & Friends host Steve Doocy. In reality, the program has not been paying benefits out to anyone over the age of 115 since 2015, and the incongruous age listings are likely a quirk of antiquated coding.
But Trump’s emphasis on the supposed rampant fraud in Social Security — as well as claims by people close to him, like billionaire Elon Musk, that the program is a “Ponzi scheme” — is part of a long tradition in US politics: of Republican and Democratic politicians hellbent on cutting Social Security using claims like these as a fig leaf to justify taking apart it and other entitlement programs.
Take former president Ronald Reagan, a lifelong foe of the program who for decades backed privatizing it. Upon winning the presidency, Reagan put together a task force that recommended raising the retirement age and other cuts to Social Security over the course of his presidency.
Reagan laid the groundwork for these attacks on the program by incessantly claiming that “waste, fraud, and abuse” were rife in government programs, especially those that older Americans relied on; that he would “look at every program” to achieve savings by targeting this fraud and waste, while insisting he would protect entitlements like Social Security and Medicare — though he couldn’t guarantee it.
At one point, he falsely named a sheet-metal worker who had been disabled at his job and left unable to work for seven years as an example of the kind of rampant fraud he was talking about, before quickly walking it back, the man and his wife complaining that he had been “kicked around like a political yo-yo” and that Reagan was “looking down on us.”
Reagan was far from the only one. Here’s Bill Clinton talking about the “fraud and abuse” in Social Security by prison inmates, a crackdown he predicted would save a paltry $2.5 billion over five years (at a time the national debt stood at more than $5 trillion), which he launched at the same time he was planning a bipartisan deal to privatize the program. Or look at the various budgets of lifelong Social Security hater (and massive hypocrite) Paul Ryan, gesturing vaguely at “fraud, waste, and abuse” in entitlement programs as he plotted out how to brutally slash them. Or Rand Paul, who has made dismantling the program his life’s goal, claiming that everyone “knows someone who’s gaming the system.” Many of them have used the same “Ponzi scheme” talking point as Trump’s billionaire lackey, or words to that effect.
But Trump’s rhetoric isn’t just setting the stage for hypothetical, future cuts to Social Security that aren’t politically possible yet — though Russell Vought, Trump’s right-hand man and the architect of his presidential agenda, has said this is the exact plan. No, Trump and his people are cutting Social Security as we speak, only doing it in a way that is less obvious, headline-grabbing, and likely to draw pushback.
As reported by the American Prospect, the Trump administration initially pushed to halve the workforce of the Social Security Administration (SSA), but has settled — at least publicly, after the news demanded an urgent round of damage control — for downsizing it “merely” by 12 percent, or seven thousand workers. Together with ending government leases on office buildings used by the SSA, one plan is reportedly to simply redirect more people to call centers instead.
The end result will be to make the nuts-and-bolts system that administers the program less functional and convenient, increasing wait times at the reduced number of offices, forcing people to travel vastly longer distances for in-person needs, or making them sit on the phone on hold for an interminable amount of time. But it will also wreak havoc on program benefits themselves, with a study finding that Reagan’s very similar workforce reduction in the 1980s led to nearly 80,000 eligible people not getting the benefits they were entitled to (out of a beneficiary population nearly half the size of today’s).
A recent Washington Post report, based on the testimony of SSA employees, painted a picture of the chaos that Trump’s cuts have already created for those who rely on the program: phone wait times increasing by hours, delays in processing retirement and disability claims, and SSA offices unable to pay bills, hire interpreters and medical experts, or fix mold, among other things. Its acting administrator has now told staff the plan is to outsource certain work to “industry experts” — putting some of the SSA’s functions in the hands of private contractors, in other words.
What really gives the game away is the fact that these reductions are, by the accounting of even a right-wing think tank that supports cutting the program, “miniscule”: the SSA’s administrative budget that this is all meant to trim was meant to be a mere $15 billion for this fiscal year, roughly 1 percent of the $1.6 trillion the program is set to pay out, and a basically nonexistent fraction of the $31 trillion debt that Musk and his cost-cutters are meant to be going after.
But that’s not their goal. Instead, Musk, Trump, and the people around him are launching an attack on Social Security by stealth, to not just cut its benefits but set the stage for its privatization, just as George W. Bush and once tried and failed to do through Congress — only this time, their method is to plunge the program into artificially induced dysfunction, before pointing to the problems they created as proof that government isn’t fit to administer retirement benefits, and that the whole thing should be handed over to a corporation that can make money off it.
This is the same plan to dismantle Social Security and the same rhetoric used to justify it as we’ve seen for decades, whether from Paul Ryan, Bill Clinton, or Ronald Reagan. The only thing exceptional is how brazen and aggressive Trump’s version of it is.
I explain the point of this communist/ collectivist induced wildfire, unrestricted warfare falseflag psychological operation.
Fake wildfires are real fires caused by:
1) DEW Directed Energy Weapons
2) Leftist Beauricrats sabotaging common sense procedure to reduce fire damage, a.k.a. sabotage
3) leftist activists like Antifa purposefully set fire to prove climate change is the cause ( who are then protected by leftist bureaucrats).
I give a bunch of examples which prove the point, and the pattern is proven again in California right now.
The MSM news blames man-made climate change for the fires, and the only solution is less personal freedom, more government control and more money thrown at climate change.
All evidence proving what I just outlined is labelled dangerous conspiracy theory. Because of the multiple vecter of cause anyone pushing only one, is dismissed because other explanations are available.
See the pattern.
Get wise to fake wild fire psi-ops in my podcast here:
This sums up the depopulation/currency reset plan that is the CORE of why/who implemented the COVID scam.
"The same people who...control the global money supply are the same people who are running this operation...It's a bureaucratic mass murder."
Retired pharma R&D executive Sasha Latypova describes for Leslie Manookian of the Health Freedom Defense Fund why the COVID scamdemic/world-scale genocide is taking place, boiling the purpose down to a grand financial plan that allows for currency resets while simultaneously bailing out flailing governments that are broke AF.
While many "awake" people have come to this conclusion, Latypova puts together the why/who picture particularly succinctly: "The same people who ultimately control the global money supply are the same people who are running this operation," she says. The retired pharma executive adds, "this all comes down to the fact that we need to reset from the dollar as the global currency to a CBDC [i.e., a] digital global token; that process involves reducing the money supply. So...just like in a storm, you need to take down your sails, with this reset,] you need to take down how many heads [humans] you have."
Latypova goes on to say:
"It's a bureaucratic mass murder. They don't care who dies. Mostly, they care about the Western world. So that's why they were...focused on pushing the vaccine...especially onto the Western populations; because those are the biggest bang for the buck. The Africans—they don't care; each head there is, like, $4,000. Each head in the western world is a million or more. So they're going where there's the biggest bang; again, they're bureaucrats. Think of the Nazis who were interviewed and said, 'Well, we were just crunching the numbers, and we needed certain accounting to work."
En una entrevista reciente, Mike Adams y Michael Yon analizan los dramáticos cambios en la política exterior de Estados Unidos bajo la administración Trump. La discusión se centra en el impacto de las sanciones a Rusia, la retirada de los activos rusos y las implicaciones más amplias para los aliados globales, en particular la propia China.
Pivote estratégico en Rusia
Mike Adams y Michael Yon analizan cómo la administración Trump planea levantar las sanciones a Rusia y descongelar 300 mil millones de dólares en activos rusos congelados. Sugieren que la medida no es solo una medida política sino parte de una estrategia más amplia para retirarse del teatro occidental y centrarse en aislar a China económica y militarmente.
Yon, basándose en su amplia experiencia internacional, ve el cambio como parte de un reconocimiento de que Europa occidental ha estado luchando con tensiones internas y no es un aliado confiable en el largo plazo. Señaló que la renuencia de Europa a invertir en su propia defensa la ha llevado a depender de la ayuda militar estadounidense, un escenario cada vez más insostenible.
El aislamiento de China.
El debate destaca la amenaza que plantea China y la necesidad de estrategias para aislarla. Yon dijo que el creciente poder económico y militar de China, especialmente a través de extensas redes comerciales y avances tecnológicos, la convierte en una amenaza mayor para Rusia. El debate subraya la necesidad de que Estados Unidos reforme sus alianzas y políticas para contrarrestar a China.
Adams y Yon dijeron que Estados Unidos aumentaría el comercio con Rusia según el plan. Argumentan que esto podría incluir la reintegración de empresas estadounidenses al mercado ruso y el restablecimiento de vínculos militares y de inteligencia. El objetivo, explican, es crear una división entre Rusia y China, desacreditando así a China en el mundo.
Impacto en las alianzas globales.
La encuesta también explora las implicaciones de estos cambios políticos para la cooperación internacional. Yon señaló que los países de Europa occidental, en particular el Reino Unido, están en graves dificultades. Estos países, sostiene, dependen demasiado de la asistencia militar y de inteligencia de Estados Unidos y no están preparados para defenderse de Rusia o de cualquier amenaza externa.
Adams señaló los recientes recortes en la financiación y la asistencia de inteligencia de Estados Unidos a Ucrania, que han dejado al país “casi ciego” ante su actual guerra con Rusia. Cree que esto es una clara señal de que Estados Unidos se está alejando de Europa en la región de Asia y el Pacífico, donde China es la mayor amenaza.
El papel del Reino Unido y la OTAN
La discusión se centró en la posibilidad de un colapso de la OTAN, un tema que ha sido discutido por analistas militares y políticos. Yon recuerda una entrevista con un coronel retirado, que dijo que la OTAN estaba entrando en sus últimos días. El Reino Unido y otros países de Europa occidental enfrentan desafíos económicos y militares significativos, lo que podría dificultarles mantener su relación con ellos, dijo.
Adams y Yon también discutieron el papel del Reino Unido en este nuevo panorama geopolítico. Argumentan que las capacidades militares del Reino Unido son limitadas y es posible que no pueda defenderse, y mucho menos asumir un papel de liderazgo en la región. Yon, que tiene una amplia experiencia de combate en Afganistán e Irak, ofrece información sobre los errores del ejército del Reino Unido y los de otros países europeos.
Conclusión: el cambio del orden mundial
La conversación termina con un interesante debate sobre el futuro. Adams y Yon coinciden en que el orden mundial está cambiando rápidamente y que es probable que Estados Unidos adopte medidas drásticas para reestructurar sus aliados y sus políticas. El giro hacia Rusia y el aislamiento de China son elementos clave de la nueva estrategia, pero advierten que las reformas tendrán consecuencias significativas y de largo alcance, en particular en los países de Europa occidental que luchan contra tensiones internas e internacionales.
Mientras el mundo observa, las decisiones de política exterior de la administración Trump sin duda darán forma a las alianzas y conflictos globales en los próximos años, con profundas implicaciones para la estabilidad y la seguridad mundiales.
This is the UBI= Universal "basic" Income
that his partner Elon Musk said
They both work for the deep state
They also are dismantling the Education Department in favor of the "AI" plan that another demond like Bill Gates stated that the "AI" will be a better proffesor and that
Yuval Noha Harari also said that the "AI"
will be a better "Doctor" than any Human
in the world, the same with lawyers and
all jobs "we don't need you anymore
Elon Musk said "
Once upon a time, Donald Trump endeared himself to millions of working-class voters by telling them he, unlike the rest of the Republican Party, would do “everything within my power not to touch Social Security, to leave it the way it is.” While the GOP platform explicitly rejected the idea the program was untouchable and promised only to keep it unchanged for “current retirees and those close to retirement,” Trump told voters he “want[ed] to keep Social Security intact” while “they want to cut it very substantially, the Republicans.”
Fast-forward nine years, and Trump has become just another Republican president launching an assault on Social Security. Not even two months into his presidency, Trump is not only constantly verbally attacking the program in a way meant to justify debilitating cuts but is already actively making those cuts.
After weeks of charging that Social Security payments were going to tens of millions of dead people, Trump made the claim a major part of his address to Congress this past week, where he said there were “shocking levels of incompetence and probable fraud in the Social Security program.” This was no offhand mention: the claim took up more than two-and-a-half minutes in the speech, or four full four paragraphs, with Trump listing in tedious detail the millions of Americans in various age groups over one-hundred years old still in the Social Security databases.
This claim is such nonsense that it’s been repeatedly and widely debunked, including by Fox & Friends host Steve Doocy. In reality, the program has not been paying benefits out to anyone over the age of 115 since 2015, and the incongruous age listings are likely a quirk of antiquated coding.
But Trump’s emphasis on the supposed rampant fraud in Social Security — as well as claims by people close to him, like billionaire Elon Musk, that the program is a “Ponzi scheme” — is part of a long tradition in US politics: of Republican and Democratic politicians hellbent on cutting Social Security using claims like these as a fig leaf to justify taking apart it and other entitlement programs.
Take former president Ronald Reagan, a lifelong foe of the program who for decades backed privatizing it. Upon winning the presidency, Reagan put together a task force that recommended raising the retirement age and other cuts to Social Security over the course of his presidency.
Reagan laid the groundwork for these attacks on the program by incessantly claiming that “waste, fraud, and abuse” were rife in government programs, especially those that older Americans relied on; that he would “look at every program” to achieve savings by targeting this fraud and waste, while insisting he would protect entitlements like Social Security and Medicare — though he couldn’t guarantee it.
At one point, he falsely named a sheet-metal worker who had been disabled at his job and left unable to work for seven years as an example of the kind of rampant fraud he was talking about, before quickly walking it back, the man and his wife complaining that he had been “kicked around like a political yo-yo” and that Reagan was “looking down on us.”
Reagan was far from the only one. Here’s Bill Clinton talking about the “fraud and abuse” in Social Security by prison inmates, a crackdown he predicted would save a paltry $2.5 billion over five years (at a time the national debt stood at more than $5 trillion), which he launched at the same time he was planning a bipartisan deal to privatize the program. Or look at the various budgets of lifelong Social Security hater (and massive hypocrite) Paul Ryan, gesturing vaguely at “fraud, waste, and abuse” in entitlement programs as he plotted out how to brutally slash them. Or Rand Paul, who has made dismantling the program his life’s goal, claiming that everyone “knows someone who’s gaming the system.” Many of them have used the same “Ponzi scheme” talking point as Trump’s billionaire lackey, or words to that effect.
But Trump’s rhetoric isn’t just setting the stage for hypothetical, future cuts to Social Security that aren’t politically possible yet — though Russell Vought, Trump’s right-hand man and the architect of his presidential agenda, has said this is the exact plan. No, Trump and his people are cutting Social Security as we speak, only doing it in a way that is less obvious, headline-grabbing, and likely to draw pushback.
As reported by the American Prospect, the Trump administration initially pushed to halve the workforce of the Social Security Administration (SSA), but has settled — at least publicly, after the news demanded an urgent round of damage control — for downsizing it “merely” by 12 percent, or seven thousand workers. Together with ending government leases on office buildings used by the SSA, one plan is reportedly to simply redirect more people to call centers instead.
The end result will be to make the nuts-and-bolts system that administers the program less functional and convenient, increasing wait times at the reduced number of offices, forcing people to travel vastly longer distances for in-person needs, or making them sit on the phone on hold for an interminable amount of time. But it will also wreak havoc on program benefits themselves, with a study finding that Reagan’s very similar workforce reduction in the 1980s led to nearly 80,000 eligible people not getting the benefits they were entitled to (out of a beneficiary population nearly half the size of today’s).
A recent Washington Post report, based on the testimony of SSA employees, painted a picture of the chaos that Trump’s cuts have already created for those who rely on the program: phone wait times increasing by hours, delays in processing retirement and disability claims, and SSA offices unable to pay bills, hire interpreters and medical experts, or fix mold, among other things. Its acting administrator has now told staff the plan is to outsource certain work to “industry experts” — putting some of the SSA’s functions in the hands of private contractors, in other words.
What really gives the game away is the fact that these reductions are, by the accounting of even a right-wing think tank that supports cutting the program, “miniscule”: the SSA’s administrative budget that this is all meant to trim was meant to be a mere $15 billion for this fiscal year, roughly 1 percent of the $1.6 trillion the program is set to pay out, and a basically nonexistent fraction of the $31 trillion debt that Musk and his cost-cutters are meant to be going after.
But that’s not their goal. Instead, Musk, Trump, and the people around him are launching an attack on Social Security by stealth, to not just cut its benefits but set the stage for its privatization, just as George W. Bush and once tried and failed to do through Congress — only this time, their method is to plunge the program into artificially induced dysfunction, before pointing to the problems they created as proof that government isn’t fit to administer retirement benefits, and that the whole thing should be handed over to a corporation that can make money off it.
This is the same plan to dismantle Social Security and the same rhetoric used to justify it as we’ve seen for decades, whether from Paul Ryan, Bill Clinton, or Ronald Reagan. The only thing exceptional is how brazen and aggressive Trump’s version of it is.
Social Security
I explain the point of this communist/ collectivist induced wildfire, unrestricted warfare falseflag psychological operation.
Fake wildfires are real fires caused by:
1) DEW Directed Energy Weapons
2) Leftist Beauricrats sabotaging common sense procedure to reduce fire damage, a.k.a. sabotage
3) leftist activists like Antifa purposefully set fire to prove climate change is the cause ( who are then protected by leftist bureaucrats).
I give a bunch of examples which prove the point, and the pattern is proven again in California right now.
The MSM news blames man-made climate change for the fires, and the only solution is less personal freedom, more government control and more money thrown at climate change.
All evidence proving what I just outlined is labelled dangerous conspiracy theory. Because of the multiple vecter of cause anyone pushing only one, is dismissed because other explanations are available.
See the pattern.
Get wise to fake wild fire psi-ops in my podcast here: